Saturday, August 22, 2009

Research Tools & Resources


Research tools chosen for this topic will be from:

- Search engines such a Google and wikipedia
- Library catalogues

Resources chosen:

Materials: Books, journals and websites

There are many books available about the ancient Library of Alexandria. For the purpose of this assignment, it is important to limit the number of books as the research does have time limitation.

Journals are also identified as important resources which might give the reader more control over the contents required. However, the most accessible and perhaps the largest resources this research will be focusing on the information from website.

The website resources are fast, easy, and very accessible regardless where you are starting the research process from. However, the disadvantage is also that there would be too many information presented at one time. The researcher will need to sort out the priorities and be very specific about the authenticity and authorisation of the articles or information presented. It is noted that the resources from the websites will need to be carefully evaluated.

When choosing this topic which was hard to get primary sources as many may be manuscripts in different ancient languages , it is easier to obtain secondary sources as they are already translated into English.

Institutions & Collections

The major academic libraries that have been identified for this research were: Swinburne library and Monash library. The reasons were mainly for connivance and time constraints. However, from these two academic libraries' catalogues, I could also access other inter-library linkages into other academic libraries' catalogues.

Keeping Records

Records were kept during the process for: the research strategies used, research tools used, material's bibliographical details, websites URL and other details of the information obtained for the research.

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